
At "Bullion Bite", we value the security and privacy of our visitors. Therefore, we clearly and transparently explain how we collect, use and share your data.

Data Collection: On our website (, we collect information including IP addresses, browser type and version, among other information automatically collected from our visitors' browsers. We also use cookies to track visitors' actions on our site and improve the performance of our site. Personal information provided by users (such as email address) is only used to provide services on our site or to communicate with our users.

Data Use: We use the data we collect to improve the performance and user experience of our site, to fulfill requests from our visitors, and to improve our site. We also retain data for compliance with our legal obligations.

Data Sharing: We do not share personal information with third parties, except in the case of legal obligation or required legal process.

Data Protection: We securely store the data we collect and implement all current security standards. We also take physical, technological, and legal measures to prevent unauthorized access.

Updates: This privacy policy may be updated in the case of changes in the operation of our site or changes in relevant laws and standards. We will publish updated versions here and inform our visitors of any updates.

If you have any questions or concerns, please write to us at

The services provided by "Bullion Bite" (hereinafter referred to as "Our Site") are only allowed to be used in accordance with the accepted terms of use. By continuing to use our site (, you agree to the following terms of use.

Content: The content (articles, images, videos, etc.) on our site is provided for informational purposes only and is not a general investment advice. The accuracy or timeliness of information on our site is not guaranteed.

Links: Our site may contain links to other websites. We are not responsible for the content of websites accessed through such links.

Privacy: Our site complies with our privacy policy. You can read the privacy policy to find out how your data will be collected, used, and shared.

Changes: Our site and services are constantly being improved. Therefore, the terms of use and privacy policy may change from time to time. Changes take effect on the date of publication on our site.

Liability: Our site is not liable for any damages arising from the content or services provided.

Law: These terms of use are subject to the applicable laws and regulations. Any disputes will be governed by the applicable laws and legal jurisdictions.

Copyright: All content on our site, including articles, images, videos, and other materials, is owned by "Bullion Bite" and protected by copyright laws. These materials may not be reproduced, distributed or used without permission.

Services: Our site is constantly being improved and maintained. Therefore, our services may be limited or interrupted from time to time.

By continuing to use our site, you accept the above terms of use. If you do not accept the terms of use, please do not use our site. If you have any questions or concerns, please write to us at

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Bullion Bite uses cookies to enhance your experience. How We Use Cookies?
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